“A historic date”. Someone called it exactly that. On Friday afternoon, the Regional Council of Calabria gave the mandate to the president Roberto Occhiuto to call a referendum preparatory to the approval of the law for the merger of the single city of Cosenza-Rende-Castrolibero. Citizens should go to the polls by the end of 2024. Most likely between November 15 and 30. The three government centers will be dissolved on February 1, 2027 and no longer February 1, 2025. In addition, a technical table will be set up to evaluate every aspect in great detail. After 50 years of announcements and arguments, we are probably at a historic crossroads. Now or never. Everyone agrees, then? Not at all. In fact, from Rende they are ready to raise barricades. And immediately turn to the TAR. In the meantime, twenty-five municipalities are mobilizing to ask for the repeal of the law with which full power in the matter of merging municipalities was delegated to the Region. These are the municipalities of Acri, Aprigliano, Caloveto, Casali del Manco, Cassano all’Ionio, Castrolibero, Castrovillari, Cerchiara, Cerisano, Civita, Cosenza, Crosia, Figline Vegliaturo, Luzzi, Malvito, Piane Crati, Rocca Imperiale, Rogliano, Rovito, San Basile, San Lucido, San Pietro in Guarano, Santa Sofia d’Epiro, Sant’Agata d’Esaro, Trebisacce.
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