The Waste Plan rejected by the PD and 5 Star Movement of Crotone: “It allows Eni to leave waste here”


By John

Having lowered the environmental pressure factor is a Pyrrhic victory and will not save Crotone from the danger of landfills with hazardous waste. This is what the provincial secretary of the Democratic Party claims Leo Barberiowhich strongly criticizes the Regional Waste Plan as approved the day before yesterday in the Regional Council in recent days. President Roberto Occhiuto assured that thanks to this plan «Crotone will not become the garbage dump of Italy». And also the mayor Vincent Voice shares the amendments voted on to the Waste Plan.
But Barberio is not at all convinced: «I have had the opportunity to reread the approved waste plan several times – explains the Democratic Party secretary – and if it is true that it contains the constraint regarding the possibility of building new landfills, on the other hand it contains the possibility of acting in derogation, precisely in the case in which we are talking about landfills for a specific purpose by virtue of a reclamation, or the disposal of hazardous waste». To Barberio this postscript seems like a real joke.: «On the one hand it allows Mayor Voce to shout victory, on the other it allows Eni to do what it has been repeating for months, that is, to leave the most dangerous waste in the landfills in Crotone». This is why the Democratic Party had proposed an amendment with which it asked for the abolition of the exemption. Amendment discussed in the chamber by the regional councilor John Muracawhich however was rejected by the Council, which instead approved the regional law with what the left defines as a great incongruity.