Sabotages during droughts are common. But around the distribution of water, the summer of 2024 has seen disturbing episodes that reach intimidation. Doors torn open and cartridges in front of the access doors to the tanks. An escalation of violence that has been recorded in several episodes: in Cannavò a Terreti and in Cataforio, a hamlet where there are not even any problems. A picture reported by Sorical that is now under the scrutiny of the Police. The water emergency leads to criminal behavior. The complaints presented to the Carabinieri are at the center of an investigation. A cry of alarm that comes from the sole director of Sorical, Cataldo Calabretta. “What is happening in Reggio is of unprecedented gravity, I hope that the police will shed full light on this and identify the perpetrators of such irresponsible actions. I express solidarity with our workers who with great self-denial and spirit of sacrifice are guaranteeing access to drinking water to the people of Reggio in a context of serious drought”.
A real challenge conducted with mafia methods, a sort of message that was launched in recent days, explained by the company that deals with the management of the integrated water service «Several rifle cartridges were found lying at the entrance doors of two reservoirs in the city. In particular, a door of the tank was forced by cutting the padlock, thus allowing access to the control rooms. After the repair and the filing of the complaint, a few days later, a bag containing several rifle cartridges was found. For all the episodes, complaints were filed with the Carabinieri who started the investigations”. Of course, it is not the first time, even in the past years the maneuvers to divert the water flows have been “forced” several times.