When do they pay the single allowance in September 2024? Here are the dates on the INPS calendar
Payment schedule until December 2024
With the message of 20 June 2024, n. 2302, INPS also provides the payment calendar for the second half of 2024:
- 17, 18, 19 September 2024;
- 16, 17, 18 October 2024;
- 18, 19, 20 November 2024;
- 17, 18, 19 December 2024.
As usual, the payment of the first installment of the benefit will take place in the last week of the month following the submission of the Single Allowance application. On the same date, the amount of the installments due will be credited in the event that the check has been subject to an adjustment, either as a credit or as a debit.
Single and universal allowance: widowed families
With the message of 20 June 2024, n. 2303 the Institute communicates that, in the online service of submission of the application Single and universal allowance for dependent childrenare available new features for the management of the increase for both working parents in the case of applications submitted by widowed families.
In case of submission of a new question of Single Allowance by a single-parent family unit, with the motivation “other deceased parent”, the procedure proposes completing a further field with the tax code of the deceased parent, in order to verify the right.
In the hypothesis of application already submitted from a single-parent family unit due to the death of the other parent, the applicant is informed with a specific communication of the possibility of integrating the same in order to take advantage of the increase. Integration with the tax code of the deceased parent can be carried out by accessing the “Consult and manage applications already submitted” section, selecting the “Modify” item and then “Sheet”.
In the event that the death of one of the parents occurs while the service is being usedthe Institute automatically takes over the request from the surviving parent and continues to recognize the increase for both working parents.
Please remember that from the June 1, 2023 “the increase is recognised, in the case of a single working parent at the time of submitting the application, where the other is deceased, for a maximum period of five years following this event, within the limit of enjoyment of the allowance” ( INPS circular 10 August 2023, n. 76).