Upside down billboards at the box office and usual ruthless irreverence on stage: Hard Angel strikes again, but without fueling the remote controversy with the mayor of Taormina, Cateno DeLuca.
From the Ancient Theatreduring the show in the now classic stand-up comedy style, the only fairly veiled reference to what happened in recent days (phallic symbols drawn with the spray and resumed gesture, with subsequent social lecture by the mayor, fine and complaint) was on the occasion of fireworks that exploded behind him. Comment with a “it’s the least strange thing that happened in this city”.
Only a few jokes from the audience launched in the hope that the Palermitan born in 1982 would seize the provocation: “Be careful who’s in the front row”, “Cateno greets you” and backing vocals “mayor, mayor”. But after more than five minutes of silence, motionless with the lights on him, he responded with a direct “have you finished breaking ic ****** i?”
For the rest, politically incorrect satire, the one that made the comedian a character known to the general public, after “Nuccio vip” And “Marian”who launched it on TV with “Hyenas”. Off the cuff, the “bullying a baby girl” (as she put it) that she cried through much of the show: “Was Disneyland written outside the entrance?”asked the parents. Then the invitation to have a granita al bar da Saro (the companion during the “smearing”): “I’ll pay it, or rather he pays it, he still owes me one”. An illness in the front row of a spectator interrupted the show for a few minutes in the end, but Duro didn’t stop there either: “Paramedics, unplug TikTok and come help out”. Then to the person concerned: “Don’t worry, you can die, you paid for the ticket anyway”. And again when the renamed took over “Peppe Scorggione”: “It must have been wind in my stomach, it happens to me too”.
There is also Amadeus among those targeted, albeit not directly mentioned: “He invited me to Sanremo, a pity that then he pissed himself off and let me out at one in the morning. I did UnoMattina more than Sanremo”.
“I’m changed” tells in no uncertain terms paradoxes and contradictions of our times, with a humor that must please not to annoy, because it often hits the stomach, snatching laughs but forcing you to think. Hot topics, treated outspoken to hit bigots rather than sensitive categories: from obesity to anorexia, from abandoning dogs (in the end he brought one on stage, threatening him with “leave it at the Autogrill”) to the “millennial” society (“they are called that because they will never reach a thousand euros a month”), from brain drain to terminal illness (“I would use them to go and insult mafiosi and camorristi”), from disability to assisted fertilization, from depression to gender discrimination, up to euthanasia.