Bitter-sweet Easter in Calabria: consumption recovering and prices skyrocketing


By John

The prose of Easter is immediately anointed with the same mysterious and ancient evil that for years has been dragging our humanity into a dangerous curve of history. Inflation remains firmly infiltrated into our lives even if his arrogance no longer seems the same. At least in appearance. In Easter week, Confartigianato Calabria reports «a recovery in the consumption of traditional products and in particular those of the confectionery sector», a sector with a high artisan vocation also in Calabria. A land that is home to 2,523 pastry shops and companies in the confectionery sector – fresh pastries, ice cream, biscuits, cocoa, chocolate, confectionery, etc. – with a high artisan vocation: there are 1,984 artisan businesses, equal to 78.6% of the entire stock of the Easter products related sector. The prices of raw materials in general continue to rise and the prices of the main ingredients of pastry products are growing. Sugar, for example, increased 28.4% year-on-year in 2023. Not to mention cocoa whose price, on international markets, in February 2024, more than doubled (+107.9%) compared to the previous year. Dynamics that have dragged, for example, the cost of eggs through the roof. Some companies have reduced the weight of the packages to balance. But, due to the exponential increases in raw materials, Confartigianato Calabria believes that compared to a year ago, consumer prices of fresh pastry products are recording a growth rate contained in +3.3%.