Bruno Zevi, special friend. Fernando Miglietta’s commitment to an architecture of freedom


By John

After the Diaries with Bruno Munari, Pierre Restany, Giulio Argan, here in the bookshop «Diariocinque Con Bruno Zevi. Architecture and Freedom“, Of Fernando Migliettapreface by Massimiliano Fuksaspublished by Gangemi International. Another Diary is therefore added to the project of the Miglietta Archive committed to documenting the path taken by Fernando Miglietta, architect, artist, critic and theorist, together with some of the major protagonists of Italian art, architecture and culture . An Archive which over the years has become a documentation and research laboratory, a true museum in progress of original contributions, signs, drawings, projects, writings, correspondence, dialogues, photos.
The book through a diary and unpublished correspondence, almost fifteen years of epistolary exchanges, since February 1979, with his friend and special traveling companion, «militant for freedom, great architectural historian, brilliant urban planner and intellectual», tells of Fernando Miglietta’s commitment to an architecture of freedom which becomes a form and creative space of dissent as a place of meeting and dialogue of cultures; intellectual sharing; the experience of the Genetic Art and Architecture Movement with the search for a new spatiality; the alliance for a diagonal and transversal nature of critical thinking; the horizons of a new design era.

The book, introduced by Massimiliano Fuksas, opens with the essay Bruno Zevi «Architecture and Freedom»; follows the history of relations with Zevi; then Zevi’s lyrics written for Miglietta in 1986; a dialogue with Zevi in ​​1983 on «University and territory, from Tor Vergata to the Calabria Campus»; an essay by Miglietta dedicated «To Bruno Zevi, Twenty years later, Plural Architecture, The forms of dissent».