«A message we want to send is obviously a positive one: at an institutional level we must be part of the same team, so the government is convinced in its work. Obviously also in the field of justice there is a need to do a lot, we are doing it, it is not easy but the commitment is also maximum in the field of criminal execution which requires a clear message to the prisoners but also to our communities, to citizens”. She said it the undersecretary of Justice, Andrea Ostellari, speaking with journalists in Catanzaro, at the regional headquarters, where he met the president of the regional council for an institutional visit, Filippo Mancusoand the president of the regional council Roberto Occhiuto; In the next few hours, Ostellari will visit some penitentiary institutions in Calabria.
«So – argued Ostellari – we are also here to see the structures, to evaluate common actions with the Region because there is also the issue of healthcare which obviously worries us and here I must say that I also received an absolutely positive response at the level of collaboration. And then there is the issue of the true re-education tool for prisoners which is work. Enough with prisoners inside prisons who perhaps look at the ceiling and let's invest more in work which – concluded the Undersecretary for Justice – is the only real tool that carries out re-education and allows a prisoner to learn something and then maybe when he serves his sentence and therefore when he gets out, he also gets out of the criminal circuit.”