Waste and Anac, Christmas events and public works. These should be the main themes at the center of the “urgent” group leaders’ conference called for next Tuesday by the president of the city council Gianmichele Boscoduring which the mayor Nicola Fiorita would intervene to take stock of the hottest practices of the moment and test the “mood” of the council groups on the main dossiers.
An appointment shrouded in discretion but, according to what transpires from palace sources, these should be the themes at the center of the conference. Starting precisely from the waste issue, which is certainly made up of the Anac resolution on relations with Sieco, but also of the prospect of publishing the tender for the assignment of the separate waste collection service, a practice which in turn intersects with the Arrical question. The occasion should lead to the presentation of the administration’s decisions regarding the recommendations made by the Anti-corruption Authority regarding the need to “interrupt the management of the service extension” also entrusted to Sieco, and to “adopt as soon as possible acts and measures aimed at prevent, in future tenders, the repetition of the illegitimacies and irregularities found in the executive phase”.