Christian Democracy is “reborn” in Lamezia. Materazzo appointed commissioner


By John

The municipal elections next spring are rekindling a political fervor in the city that hasn’t been seen for some time. Parties, movements, groups and associations organize themselves in view of the renewal of the city council. Meetings and meetings follow one another in search of possible alliances, just as parties that we haven’t heard about for some time resurface. One of these is the Christian Democracy, which was reborn in the city with commissioner Pasquale Materazzo. The former mayor of Lamezia has in fact accepted the appointment of city commissioner of the DC which derives from “my belonging to a political area which has historically seen Catholics involved in politics”.

According to Materazzo, the DC «is not a party that can be configured as a defender of partisan interests, like the old PCI or of privileged categories as happens on the right, it is a party that proposes a social model where everyone must find a free place in respect of the values ​​of Christianity having as its main focus the family, the dignity of the person, social subsidiarity.” For the former mayor today «the parties, the national and regional parties, the personal parties that are built in the municipalities when it is not possible to take over the national ones to occupy power in the municipalities, has pushed people to desert the polls also because the choice of political representatives is not made at a local level but the choice is made in Rome where it is decided who should be elected and the vote is a sort of ratification. After all, today we are moving towards dictatorships, the Constitutions are being modified to make it possible to remain in power indefinitely and we continue to vote to save face with democracy, this wind has also hit the municipalities, even the smallest ones” .