The oval face… of sport and inclusion. The Civic Library of Casali del Manco hosted the project presentation meeting “Civic spaces – Play district” in the presence of the mayor, Dr. Francesca Pisani, the Regional Coordinator of Sport and Health, Dr. Walter Malacrino, and the Technical Manager of Rugby Rende, Dr. Rita Bennardo. This is a sport and inclusion project that will see Rugby Rende involved in the Presila area. The mayor said she was enthusiastic about the collaboration and welcomed the initiative, making various municipal spaces available, including the sports center and the civic library. The Regional delegate of the Italian Rugby Federation, Salvatore Pezzano, also took part in the meeting and said he was proud that among the 5 projects, at a national level, which involved Rugby, one of these fell within the Municipality of Casali del Manco and that it is a further opportunity to give new and concrete opportunities to young people and to make the world of rugby known in all its many facets.
The phases of the project
The 24-month project is aimed at 50 young people, girls and boys between 14 and 25 years old, belonging to economically disadvantaged families, foreigners, NEETs and those with disabilities, residing in the municipality of Casali del Manco. The phases of the project, therefore, will be: cognitive, where the young people involved in the project will explain the reasons that led them to participate and what skills they expect to acquire at the end of the project (the company, however, will present the world of rugby, not only the practical rules of the game, but also the mission, principles and values such as support, passion and sportsmanship which we will then try to convey during the entire project); practice, i.e. training sessions aimed at teaching the game of Touch Rugby will take place, furthermore our company will undertake to provide preparatory training courses to tackle the first level student referee and coach training courses; for the final phase of the project a tournament will be organized to allow participants to experience the emotion of rugby at 360 degrees, in fact the third half which has always distinguished our game will be set up.
The project partners
In this experience, Rugby Rende will be supported by the Cooperativa Sociale il Delfino, where the president, Dr. Renato Caforio, together with his collaborators will carry out artistic workshops, healthy eating and a correct lifestyle.
The purpose of the project
The ultimate aim of the project is that of integration, to create new opportunities, to enhance young people, to promote an active lifestyle within the community in order to create, increase and strengthen social cohesion networks by promoting educational values of sport.