Cordì Murder in Locride, Life Sentences Confirmed for Brescia and Menniti. Twenty-Three Years for Sfara


By John

The Court of Appeal of Reggio Calabria confirmed the life sentence for Susanna Brescia And Joseph Mennitiand a sentence of 23 years of imprisonment for Francesco Sfaraaccused of the murder of Vincenzo Cordiwhich took place on November 11, 2019 in San Giovanni di Gerace. The decision, taken by the first criminal section presided over by Campagna, accepted the request of the Attorney General of Reggio Calabria, represented by the deputy prosecutors Vincenzo Luberto and Marzia Currao, who asked for the confirmation of the first-instance sentence of the Assize Court of Locri. The lawyer of the civil parties, Rocco Guttà, with the technical support of Antonio Miriello, also requested the confirmation of the sentences.