The first official announcements of market they won’t be kept waiting for too long. Cosenza, entering and exiting, begins to move. And already in the match against Cremonese we should see some new faces.
He will be there against the grey-reds Michele Camporese, which will soon become the first reinforcement of January. The Tirrenia centre-back will be an important alternative to Meroni and Venturi, who are practically immovable for Caserta until this moment. The option of the 31-year-old Tuscan will increase the competition in the back pack. If Cosenza were to decide to maintain the three-man defense experimented by the Melito Porto Salvo coach in the last period, there might not be enough players available, also considering the fact that Filippo Sgarbi’s future on the banks of the Crati is anything but discounted.
The defender from Varese has so far found little space in the starting lineup and has not fully convinced when called upon. His possible farewell would free up an “over 23” slot in the list that the rossoblù will present in League B. From this point of view, however, the silani have no particular needs for the moment since at the end of August they closed with 15 players born within December 31, 1999.
Camporese will occupy the sixteenth slot available. There are therefore still two available to sports director Roberto Gemmi. Experienced additions could still arrive in the role of left-handed full-back.
Among the options for first place, the idea has made its way in recent days Gianluca Frabotta (in the cover photo), expected to leave Bari. The Roman footballer born in 1999 could be used as a left midfielder in the case of confirmation of the 3-5-2. However, he would also adapt to the fourth low position in the case of 4-3-3 or 4-2-3-1. For him, however, we need to beat the competition from other teams.
The Sila team could then add another piece in the crucial area, the one that Caserta indicated as “the soul of his team”. Viviani’s departure could be recorded here. In this case, Praszelik could be the alternative to Calò as a low top man. In this case, therefore, Gemmi’s search could focus on a dynamic midfielder capable of guaranteeing quantity and also quality (will Florenzi be used as a high winger?). Otherwise, attention will shift to a midfielder capable of making wood and helping out when not in possession.
Furthermore, the addition of a right back cannot be ruled out, given Martino’s stop (for the Modenese, the season is already over). Rispoli and Cimino numerically give sufficient reassurances to the coach. Finally, at least at the moment, there doesn’t seem to be a desire to make interventions in the offensive sector, unless the needs change in the meantime, which in the unpredictable and sudden events of the transfer market should never be categorically excluded.