Crisis Next Elettronica of Mangone, Legacoop Calabria always alongside workers


By John

“In this difficult moment for the future of the Next Elettronica cooperative, we believe it is useful, to protect the workers and families involved, to take a snapshot of the reality of the facts, reiterating our willingness to verify together with the workers themselves, to the unions and the institutions if the conditions exist for a new industrial plan that has other perspectives and does not continue on a path that is already irremediably compromised”.

This Legacoop Calabria’s comment on the matter to the crisis situation that is affecting the Next Elettronica cooperative, based in Mangone, a workers buyout project that the Association has followed since its birth in 2020 and which has seen – to date – interventions for over 850,000 euros by of the financial instruments of the cooperative system that are normally made available in these cases; investments which, however, will be entirely lost in the face of the inevitable liquidation of the cooperative.

“The economic interventions in cases of worker buyouts – explains Legacoop Calabria – are aimed at helping the start-up and consolidation of the cooperative born from the ashes of the failed company and are not intended as a substitute for the economy that must be generated from the operation of the project industrial. The crisis of Next Elettronica – underlines Legacoop Calabria – is due to the lack of success of the industrial project and the absence of orders, certainly not to the lack of intervention and support from the tools of the Legacoop system, as some would like to argue in these last hours. The proof of this is that the investments made will be lost.”

The history of Legacoop in Calabria is the history of a business association that since its origin has stood alongside many cooperatives and workers in an area tormented by unemployment, illegality and scarce resources, in which, through the cooperative form, thousands of people were given the opportunity to redeem themselves from a situation of precariousness and exploitation and it is precisely on this path that Legacoop Calabria will continue in this case too, making itself available to the institutions and committing itself alongside the Next Elettronica cooperative also to evaluate all the conditions and feasibility for a new industrial project.