“Violence is taking over us. The company has embarked on a path of almost no return. Each of us must, indeed has the obligation, to stop and stop the violence with gestures of love and listening.” Maria Brunella Stancato, president of Aira, Anziani Italia Ets Aps associative network, together with all the members decided to record a very significant video. With a very clear message read by the protagonists of the video: “Let’s stop the violence. Woman is Life, Woman gives Life”. Emotions and participation: over 6 minutes of messages that are full substance with respect to the themes.
“But what kind of world are we building around us? We all have the obligation to question ourselves and try to welcome others. We at Anziani Italia Rete Associativa Ets Aps are also questioning ourselves and for this reason we have created this slogan and this awareness campaign that starts from Palermo and reaches Germany, which we will continue in 2024″, explains Stancato. The members are almost all seniors who have worked so that the current times can “be prosperous as they are, while dedicating a lot to the education of children and the role of parent”. We strongly say let’s stop the violence and already from the first months of new year we will start a series of meetings with experts, precisely because we want a radical change in society made up of meetings, hugs, aggregation and solidarity between generations”, Aira’s message. The video can be viewed on the social pages of the association and on the channel youtube of the elderly and Maria Brunella Stancato.