Differentiated autonomy: the Government intervenes against appeals by the Regions. The Cgil in Calabria: “It must be cancelled”


By John

The Council of Ministers has decided to intervene in the constitutional legitimacy proceedings promoted by the Regions of Puglia, Tuscany, Campania and Sardinia against Law 26 June 2024, n. 86 containing: «Provisions for the implementation of the differentiated autonomy of the Regions with ordinary statutes pursuant to art. 116, third paragraph, of the Constitution». This is what can be read in the final press release of the Council of Ministers.

Meanwhile in Lamezia Terme the Flc Calabria, Cgil Calabria, Cgil Area Vasta Catanzaro Crotone Vibo, Flc Cgil Area Vasta Catanzaro Crotone and Vibo They organized the initiative “Start of the 2024-2025 school year between Differentiated Autonomy, premiership and RSU” in the presence of the National General Secretary FLC CGIL Gianna Fracassithe General Secretary FLC CGIL Calabria Mimmo Moneythe General Secretary FLC CGIL Vast Area Alfonso Marcuzzothe General Secretary of CGIL Calabria Married Angelthe Secretary General of the Vast Area Enzo Scalese.

“The Calabrese school – stated the General Secretary Flc Cgil Calabria Dominic Denaro – is already paying a very high price in terms of staff, recruitment and structural delays and the law on Differentiated Autonomy will only make this situation worse. We are particularly concerned – he added – about the school sizing with numbers that can only worsen the system and not optimize it. The reduction in school autonomy has been significant, leading to major difficulties in administrative management. All of this is associated with structural deficits”.

Concern shared by the Secretary General of Cgil Calabria Angelo Sposato: “We know well that twenty systems of school education would lead to a fragmentation of culture which should, instead, be a fundamental axis of cohesion. Let us then think about the salary cages and what would happen if there were regions with higher salaries for teachers: we would face further depopulation and impoverishment of the territory. In Calabria, military garrisons are not enough but health and cultural garrisons are needed, the school sizing goes in the opposite direction”.
“Differentiated Autonomy – said the National General Secretary of Flc Cgil Gianna Fracassi– it must be cancelled because it risks seriously undermining social cohesion starting from schools and healthcare, but also on the productive side. These are some of the reasons that have led us to an extraordinary initiative such as the collection of signatures for the abrogative referendum. The next few months will be dedicated to explaining in detail to people how damaging this law is. In the specific case of schools and the South, since there are no resources, everyone will do it for themselves. Where there are deep gaps, they will remain and we will no longer be able to guarantee the right to education, which is a universal right”.

“This – Fracassi underlined – is the most unfair element. By delegating the general rules of education to the regions, from personnel to programs, cycles, school timetables, everything will be decided autonomously”.
Meanwhile, the signature collection to repeal the law on differentiated autonomy continues. Great satisfaction was expressed by the General Secretary of Cgil Area Vasta Enzo Scalese. Over ten thousand signatures were collected at the stands in the territories of Catanzaro, Vibo and Crotone, in addition to those online. The collection will continue until September 30.