Presented today by the Councillor for Economic Development Rosario Variin the green room of the Regional Citadel, in the presence of many mayors, the public notice with which the Calabria Region intends to promote energy efficiency interventions in the public lighting network. “Municipalities – states Councilor Varì – must be put in a position to have adequate financial resources to face the challenge of the green transition and to be able to contribute to environmental and energy sustainability. The objective pursued by the measure is therefore to allow, thanks to a series of interventions on the lighting network, a significant reduction in consumption and energy costs incurred by local authorities, costs that in recent years have become particularly onerous”.
The notice – addressed to individual Municipalities, unions of Municipalities and temporary aggregations of Municipalities – was published in pre-information on July 22nd with a dual purpose: to give municipal administrations the opportunity to formulate any observations, ask for clarifications or further information, as well as prepare everything necessary for participation in the call. “In this way – according to the regional councilor for economic development – the Municipalities have had time to study the measure and prepare to take advantage of the opportunity from the same offer. Furthermore, with a view to correct institutional collaboration, they have been able, up to now, to advance observations that the Region will be able to evaluate in order to possibly improve the effectiveness of the notice, which will be published in its final form by the 15th of this month”.
The financial endowment of the intervention, equal to 20,000,000 euros, is covered under Action 2.1.1 of the PR Calabria ERDF FSE+ 2021-2027. The measure provides that the efficiency interventions are carried out by a public-private partnership, formed by Municipalities and ESCos (energy services companies), and financed, in part, up to 49% of the investment and for a maximum of 150,000 euros for each Municipality, by the Region, and the remaining part by the ESCos. The eligible costs can concern three lines of intervention: Line A provides for energy saving interventions (the implementation of which is mandatory in order to access the incentives), aimed at rationalizing and optimizing lighting points and the adoption of high-efficiency technologies to replace traditional technologies. Line B (optional) provides for technological efficiency interventions, aimed at installing automatic regulation systems (brightness sensors, remote control and energy remote management systems).