«We will implement a real revolution with which we intend to specialize 85 thousand precarious teachers during 2025 (support) without specialization, who are those who have at least three years of experience behind them”. The Minister of Education and Merit says this in a video on YouTube Joseph Valditara speaking of precariousness in schools which, he explains, «is essentially represented by support teachers who in 2023-2024 out of a total of 160,000 precarious teachers were 108,885».
“Why has precarious employment among support teachers increased so much over the years?” – asks the minister – “because the number of young people with disabilities has increased exponentially. But it should also be added that unfortunately universities have not been able to specialize an adequate number of support teachers – he continues – and rightly only specialized teachers can be hired (to guarantee the highest quality of teaching for young people with disabilities), but the university paths have not proven adequate in recent years”.
«To solve this problem – he explains – we decided to combine paths at ‘Indirethe training center for teachers, a research center that reports to the Ministry of Education and Merit. These specialization courses will be developed taking into account first of all the reflections and suggestions of the School Observatory for Disability”, he concludes.