Gioia Tauro, 80 years since the shooting of deputy brigadier Salvo D’Acquisto: events and commemorations in the Piana


By John

A highly symbolic day, 23 September: even more important if eighty years have passed since 23 September 1943 when, in Torre di Palidoro, not far from Rome, the Deputy Brigadier of the Carabinieri was shot Subject to purchasewho was then awarded, posthumously, the Gold Medal for Military Valour.

The Carabinieri of the Gioia Tauro Group, in the 80 years since the death of the Deputy Brigadier, has been involved in a series of commemorative events which involved schools and municipal administrations.

Precisely on the occasion of the death of Salvo D’Acquisto, a ceremony was organized at the “Piria” high school in Rosarno which saw the participation of numerous civil, military and religious authorities.
This was followed by a series of events which, in addition to remembering and celebrating the decorated man, served to illustrate his figure to the children of the schools of the Piana, as happened in Taurianova a few days ago and this morning in Gioia Tauro where the students of the two institutes Inclusive of that city center they were hosted inside the City Council room where, at the end of a heartfelt and sober ceremony, the City Council decided to confer honorary citizenship on the fallen soldier.

“Servant of God and Hero of the Fatherland”, Salvo D’Acquisto represents the symbol of the beauty of the gift towards others, also testified by a passage in the Carabiniere’s Prayer which reads: “with loyalty until death, love for God and to our Italian brothers”.

Salvo d’Acquisto is certainly a testimony of humility, charity, brotherhood and love for others.
Carabiniere who had perfectly understood the spirit, reasons and ideals of the Force from his uniform, feeling responsible for the safety of the civilians entrusted to his custody, at the moment in which he realized that nothing else could be done to save them if not offering himself in martyrdom, aware of saving so many innocent people from an unjust death, he had not hesitated to do so.
The events in memory of Salvo D’Acquisto will also be repeated in other areas of the Piana.
These are opportunities to reflect, together with the students, on the heroic gesture and the difficult choice made by the soldier, who did not hesitate to sacrifice his own life in order to save that of 22 innocent civilians: an example for everyone.