The summit that was supposed to bring order to the chaos that exploded in the center-right majority over the appointments of health managers and the funds allocated to the Municipalities ended before it began. Formally there was a postponement, in reality it was another dispute between the parties that support Schifani.
In the League, the federation with Lombardo’s Mpa has relaunched the prices of the winger least close to Luca Sammartino. Who in turn is the Northern League member most in dialogue with the Schifani-Cuffaro axis which, according to the Brothers of Italy, is monopolizing the government’s choices. In this climate, Schifani welcomed the party leaders yesterday morning at Palazzo d’Orleans. With the intention of closing at least a general agreement on appointments. Forza Italia contested the League’s arrival at Palazzo d’Orleans represented by secretary Annalisa Tardino and group leader Marianna Caronia. The Forzista coordinator Marcello Caruso recalled that the group leaders were not summoned.
Tardino noted the fact that the Mpa was represented by the leader Raffele Lombardo but also by Fabio Mancuso. And Caruso’s response was that «the party leaders were expected, in fact if Cuffaro had also been there alongside the secretary of the DC he would have been admitted». At that point Tardino left the table saying she wanted to delegate Caronia, an option rejected by Caruso. «He said that Forza Italia would not participate with Caronia» revealed the Northern League secretary. And this is what happened: the summit was postponed to a later date. “It’s a shame, we Northern League members have been asking Schifani for this meeting for days” is Tardino’s analysis.