Also this year among the protagonists of Lucca Comics & Games there will also be the commissioner Mascherpawith Christmas Fire, sixth volume of the successful graphic novel published by Polizia moderni, official magazine of the State Police, with the screenplay by Luca Scornaienchiartistic director of the Comics Museum of Cosenza, and the drawings of Daniele Bigliardo, one of the masters of Italian comics and of the Bonelli team. As per tradition consolidated for five years now and, thanks to the collaboration of the Lucca Police Headquarters, the new volume of the Diamante policeman will be presented on the occasion of the inauguration of the exhibition, tomorrow 1 November, also through a role-playing game inspired by the investigations of Commissioner Mascherpa. The launch will take place at 12.00 in the presence of the police commissioner of Lucca, Dario Sallustio, at the Poliziamoderna corner. The Mascherpa “game area” and the Modern Police corner will remain active for the entire duration of the fair to let visitors play and promote not only the latest volume, but also the other books in the series. The proceeds from sales will be donated to the Marco Valerio Plan to support treatment for chronic and degenerative pediatric diseases of the children of members of the State Police.
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