Isa 2024 composition with creditors: deadline, news and tax controls


By John

THE Isa taxpayers who, despite having the requirements, had not joined the agreed biennial budget will be able to take advantage of an additional window that closes December 12, 2024. He remembers it Mef on his site.
The agreement allows the payment of taxes for two years on the basis of a proposal formulated by theRevenue Agencyconsistent with the data contained in the databases available to theFinancial administration and the income declared by the taxpayer.

Increase in Isa taxpayers and results of control activities

In the 2024 I am 2.7 million the taxpayers who submitted the ISA modela number that grew by approximately 20% in the last 4 years. Following the control activities carried out by theRevenue Agency“serious irregularities” have been found which this year have so far made it possible to “assess a higher tax equal to 1.2 billion euros».
Result obtained through the development of specific lines of investigation which made it possible to select the subjects considered to be at greatest risk and who present significant anomalies.

Strategies of the Guardia di Finanza against tax evasion

In the current year, the Financial Police – in addition to carrying out investigations judicial police on tax fraud contexts – has developed thousands of tax inspection interventions, with a strategy based on two main guidelines:

  • Targeted checks on economic operators at greater risk tax evasion;
  • Constant action of economic control of the territory.

In the period June-Octobernote the Mefthe number of checks and controls carried out on taxpayers of every economic sector and/or size increased by 33% compared to the first five months of 2024.