“Let it shine” arrives, the first song in English by the Cosenza priest Don Mario Ciardullo


By John

“Let it Shine” arrives, the first song in English written by Don Mario Ciardulloa priest from Cosenza currently parish priest of S. Maria della Consolazione a It makes. The song will be available on all digital stores starting tomorrow, December 24th. Don Mario collaborated in the first draft with maestro Luigi Iorio and Mary Frontera, while Mariano and Marco Fazio took care of the keyboards and the arrangement. Andrea Artale took care of the mix and mastering, while Ivan Patitucci created the graphics. The main voice in “Let it Shine” is that of Elisa Palermo, known as Elisa Brown, a singer from Cosenza passionate about Gospel and African-American music. The song is the result of a promise between Don Mario and Elisa, developed over the years amidst the hardships, joys and emotions of life.

“He will bind up your wounds with his grace

He will heal all your diseases with his love

Then you will see the star shine bright”…

“He will bind up your wounds with His Grace

He will heal your illnesses with His Love

You will see the star shine” …