Messina, the Civil Protection village arrives: here’s how to protect yourself from disasters


By John

The Civil Protection Village was inaugurated this morning in Messina, installed in Piazza Unione Europea (Piazza Municipio), to convey the new information campaign to raise awareness, reduce risk and increase the resilience of the territory. The roadshow of the Sicilian regional Civil Protection is in Messina, after having been in Palermo, for the second stage of “Ready for Action”.

The mayor was present at the ribbon cutting ceremony Federico Basilethe municipal councilor for Civil Protection Massimiliano Minutolithe director of the regional Civil Protection Service Bruno Manfrethe vice prefect Maria Gabriella Ciriagothe commander of the Messina fire brigade Happy Iracà and the commander of the Forestry Giovanni Cavallaro.

“This campaign has a dual function: informing and educating school students by spreading, through young people, the culture of prevention – explains the head of the Civil Protection of Messina, Bruno Manfre – and we do this by making it easier for everyone to understand how to be safer in risky situations and what to do in an emergency. Furthermore, we want to involve all people in risk reduction, including the creation and participation in solidarity networks. And this is why we invite citizens to enroll in our basic courses and begin a path that will lead them to become Civil Protection volunteers”.

“It is a pleasure for Messina, a city of hospitality, to host this event, which will illustrate the actions and behaviors to be followed in the event of disasters, which unfortunately happen and are not predictable” adds the mayor Federico Basile. “Our city is at the forefront of protection and communication systems, having also obtained recognition at a regional and national level. In recent years, the activities of the municipal emergency plan and those of information and communication to the population on risks have been disseminated through the our Safety Week, the I Don’t Risk campaign and other initiatives in the area such as alert systems for citizens”.

In the “Civil Protection Village” visitors will find numerous demonstration areas, a vertical climbing wall, a field kitchen and off-road vehicles used for putting out fires. And also the dog teams and the points organized by the civil protection of Messina. Interactive and educational games will be provided for younger children and school students. The Messina roadshow events will be open to all, until Saturday 11th, from 9.30am to 6pm. After Palermo and Messina, the “Ready for Action” will stop in Catania, in Piazzale Chinnici (Le Ciminiere), on the 16th , 17 and 18 November, always from 9.30am to 6pm. For information: