The Croce case is still on the table in the city council. And this time there could also be a formal act to be discussed in the classroom on the alleged incompatibility between the two (indeed, now there are more than two) roles covered by Maurizio Croceelected city councilor, it should be remembered as the one with the most votes among the losing mayoral candidates: that of councilor, in fact, and that of implementer of the government commissioner for hydrogeological instability.
The president announced it yesterday in the chamber Nello Pergolizzi: today the resolution on the Croce case should be transmitted, or rather, the resolution prepared by the General Affairs manager Laura Strano, with which a series of objections are made to the councilor, who will have the opportunity to respond with counterarguments. At that point the Chamber will vote and decide whether Croce will be able to continue to hold a position for which, it has emerged in recent weeks, from the beginning of his mandate until the first ten days of November he participated in only 8 Council meetings out of 134 and in none commission meeting (where he is regularly replaced by others, as demonstrated by the report from October, in which the only other Forza Italia councilor, Cosimo Oterireached the record number of 32 appearances).