Messina, the FdI city councilors: “The mayor asked us to waive the deadline of 20 days for the approval of the final budget”


By John

“Mayor Basile has asked us for the second consecutive year to waive the 20-day deadline set by the art. 227 of Legislative Decree 267/2000 for the approval of the Final Budget and we, after having renounced it last year, this time will evaluate whether to renounce it or not, because political and institutional collaboration certainly cannot always be one-way! The municipal councilors of Fratelli d’Italia Libero Gioveni, Pasquale Currò and Dario Carbone spoke in these terms who explain: From the beginning of our mandate we have always acted as a responsible and constructive opposition, never preconceived or obstructive and this is also demonstrated by our votes in the Chamber which are full of content in the documents important for the life of the organization and to guarantee services to citizens . Last year, thanks to our waiver of the deadlines made together with the other opposition groups – continue the three councilors – we allowed the renewal of the 12 months to the 46 competition police officers and above all the authorization for the competitions by COSFEL which in these weeks are defining themselves; and maybe we’ll do the same thing this year too! Let’s be clear, we certainly don’t want to be praised by the mayor, much less have merits recognized because we reiterate that our work is made available only to the city – Gioveni, Carbone and Currò point out – but precisely because Fratelli d’Italia (which was the party with the most votes in the Administrative elections) has the duty to represent all citizens (even those who do not think like this Administration), we can no longer witness unidirectional political requests without ever obtaining even the slightest confirmation of those of ours expressed legitimately and publicly in Classroom and certainly not in the “camera caritatis”. For example, we had asked – the three councilors recall – to maintain the TARI discounts for those who deliver to the ecological islands and to extend the concessions for reductions to other categories and everything was rejected! We asked to avoid curbing in some sections of the road, justifying it with objective difficulties and we were given a flat reply! We had foreseen improvements in the Street Performers Regulation, but they were not even considered! We have asked on several occasions for the launch of a new tender for the housing emergency which has been missing for more than 5 years and I believe that for this we can turn to the program “Who has seen it”! Not to mention – add the FdI exponents – the request to increase the age limit in the MessinaServizi tender, the request of the third Municipality led by the Brothers of Italy to increase the staff and to start the service for issuing employment cards. identity being the most populous among the 6, of greater attention in the management of sports facilities and lastly (but we could continue the list) our request to postpone the intervention planned by Amam on December 15th! EVERYTHING INEXORABLY REJECTED OR DISATTENDED! So what? Is our group politically considered only when we should meet the needs or deadlines of this Administration? It doesn’t work and it can’t work like this – conclude Gioveni, Carbone and Currò – because politics is the art of mediation, so if we were to accept yet another request from the mayor, we would only do so, as well as out of a sense of responsibility towards the city, even if only as the last test bench granted to this Administration which will have to demonstrate to us with facts that it truly wants to reverse the trend”.