Messina, the gold prostheses at the Polyclinic: three doctors convicted. THE NAMES


By John

A good six years after the indictment, seven if we consider the end of the investigation, this afternoon ended with three sentences of 3 years and 6 months before the first criminal section of the court, the “Golden Prosthesis” trial, which saw three doctors accused. This is the professor. Letterio “Elio” Calbo, 75 years old, at the time of the events in the Endocrine Surgery Department of the Polyclinic; of his deputy, Prof. Massimo Marullo65 years old, and Dr. Enrico Calbo, 46 years old, son of the prof. Elio, at the time specializing in the same department directed by his parent. The three health workers were assisted by the lawyers Giuseppe Carrabba, Piero Pollicino, Piero Cami and Giuseppe Lattanzi.

Prosecutor Francesca Bonanzinga had asked the panel chaired by Judge Adriana Sciglio for a sentence of 4 years and 3 months in prison for all three doctors, linked however only to the crime of forgery, while for all the other accusatory charges she had had to take note of the prescription, which was declared today in a sentence by the judges.

The right to compensation was recognized for the three doctors as civil parties for the Polyclinic, who was represented by the lawyer Carmelo Scillia. The judges, however, did not believe the theory of the Policlinico as civilly liable for the contribution to the payment of damages, which in this capacity was assisted by the lawyer Giuseppe Vadalà Bertini.

Originally, all three doctors were accused, jointly, of the crimes of false material and false ideology of the public official, embezzlement and aggravated fraud, committed in the exercise of their functions as medical managers of the hospital between 2011 and 2013. The investigative activity of the Pg Section of the police directed at the time by the deputy commissioner Fabio Ettaro, and coordinated by the deputy Antonella Fradà, was started in June 2013. The three doctors ended up under house arrest in June 2016. It has been ascertained that cosmetic surgery (mammoplasty) performed by prof. Marullo and Dr. Calbo, they were made to appear necessary for the removal of oncological pathologies, which in reality did not exist.