Parties and movements continue to maintain strict secrecy about the names of the candidates while rumors are starting to emerge about the lists that the parties and movements are still preparing.
At the moment it would seem that there is parity of numbers between the lists of the two centre-left and centre-right coalitions, although some doubts still remain about the completion of some. The only “Italia nel Cuore” list that supports Domenico Piattello's candidacy for mayor also remains in the race.
As regards the centre-right, the lists of the traditional political forces are certain and concluded. That of Forza Italia, the party to which the coalition candidate for mayor belongs, would be completed. Pasqualina Straface, of Fratelli d'Italia who will take the field with a second list, of Civico and Popolare-Italia Viva, who will compete with a single list, and of Azione. Two more could be added to these 5 lists.
There should also be 6 with the doubt about the completion of a seventh, the lists of the centre-left civic-party coalition that supports the mayor's re-nomination Flavio Stasi.
The “Corigliano-Rossano Pulita”, “Corigliano Rossano Futura”, “United for Stasi Mayor”, “Alleanza Verdi Sinistra” lists are already complete, to which those of the M5S and Pd are added, they are struggling to complete them. The seventh list is that of exponents of different political backgrounds and civic movements who have been given the name “Azzurro Mare”.