«I have always had faith in the Judicial Judiciary and the sentence of the Court of Freedom of Reggio Calabria, which rejected the appeal of the anti-mafia district prosecutor’s office, states that the crime does not even exist”: this is stated by the self-suspended group leader in the Calabrian regional council of Fdi, Giuseppe Neriinvestigated in the ‘Ducale’ investigation of the anti-mafia district prosecutor’s office of Reggio Calabria for political-mafia exchange votes. In June the Prosecutor’s Office had requested custody of him in prison, a measure already rejected by the investigating judge.
«My silence in these difficult months – continues Neri – was not a sign of weakness or presumed guilt as some thought, but rather a considered choice because I knew that Justice would take its course. Investigated for political-mafia exchange, my name was linked to events that never happened and I suffered daily media pillorying. A pillory that hurt me and my loved ones.”
The Court of Freedom, added Neri, “has certified that in my conduct I have never had any relationship with ‘Ndrangheta cliques of any nature and, therefore, the clarity of my actions”. «Today, with greater serenity, I can finally resume my life and return to my political commitment at the service of the people», he concluded.