Off-budget debts in the Chamber, a heavy blow for the Municipality of Vibo


By John

The new council, after the inaugural session, records the arrival in the Chamber of the first thorny practices for the majority and the opposition. Legacy of the past – as usually happens when there is a changing of the guard – that nthey do not leave the new representatives of the various factions within the assembly of Palazzo “Luigi Razza” at all serene.

And peering between the curved folds of the “hard-earned papers” on the agenda of the session scheduled for next July 30, one in particular stands out. It is the recognition of off-balance sheet debts, largely the result of an executive sentence, consisting not exactly of… peanuts. The overall value of the outlay for Palazzo “Luigi Razza” will be equivalent to approximately 746 thousand euros. In this case, 734,865.94 euros deriving precisely from enforceable judgments and 11,896 euros for the acquisition of goods and services, “within the scope of the performance of public functions and services of competence”.