Pensions, businesses, family: all the news. No severance pay for complementary funds. Skip the boiler bonus


By John

Stop the bonus for the purchase of gas boilers. The possibility of a new semester to transfer the fades away TFR in pension funds. An extra billion arrives for the Table The maneuver comes out of examination in the House commission with many new features, which enrich the text passed in mid-October, with measures to 30 billion. Half are used for structural purposes wedge cut And Irpef with three structural rates. For the rest it ranges from tightening on deductions al new birth bonus, from the mini revaluation of minimum pensions to the cuts to ministries, from the 50% house bonus only for first homes to the contribution requested from banks and insurance companies.

Here are the latest changes:


Those who are in the contributory system will be able to combine compulsory and complementary social security to reach a pension allowance equal to three times the minimum, managing to bring their pension forward to 64 years. However, nothing has happened for the opening of a new semester silent assent for the worker’s choice to move the severance pay from the company to the supplementary pension scheme.


Here comes the bonuses for extra-curricular activities of young people aged 6 to 14 in families with income Isee up to 15 thousand euros: it will be the fund ‘family dowry’, with 30 million for 2025, to provide contributions to associations, amateur sports clubs and third sector bodies. Also comes a Support Fund and the valorisation of the function of speakers. To support families, a fund has arrived with 10.5 million over 3 years to support formal and non-formal educational activities, both inside and outside schools.


Companies that set aside at least 80% of the profits for the 2024 financial year and reinvest at least 30% of them in the company (and no less than 24% of the profits for the 2023 financial year) will pay aIres reduced by 4 points. Investments must not be less than 20,000 euros and companies will have to hire 1% more workers on a permanent basis. Then comes the extension of the guarantee fund for SMEs. Also expected Bottom with 3 million in 3 years to support related businesses Ilva. To finance workers’ participation in the management and profits of companies there will be a Ad hoc fund with 70 million. The fund for the families of victims of work accidents. The crackdown on the abuse of Naspi.


From 2025, nurses’ overtime will be taxed with the flat tax at 5%. Resources are also provided to launch information and awareness campaigns in favor of women on the carrying out of ovarian reserve test. Resources also for the prevention and monitoring of lung cancer. Increased funds for psychologist bonus. A fund has arrived for the psychological support service for students in schools.


A half-million fund has arrived to promote courses on sexual health and sexual and emotional education in schools. The contribution for the is then increased private schools who welcome students with disability. Another fund will be allocated to combating the food poverty at school, to provide contributions to families who are unable to pay the canteen fees in primary schools. Increase the endowment of the fund for children off-site university accommodation and 2 million arrive to pay for the scholarships of the student athletes.


Here comes the bonus for replacement of obsolete household appliances with other more green: the contribution reaches a maximum of 30% of the cost of the appliance and to an extent not exceeding 100 euros per appliance, increased to 200 if theIsee is under i 25 thousand euros.