An accompaniment and coordination project “in carrying out territorial promotion activities”. The Region relies on Fincalabra to strengthen strategies in the tourism sector, entrusting the in-house company with a collaboration assignment for the next two years and for the expenditure of 1.7 million euros.
It is yet another piece in the mosaic of the Occhiuto council, which is focusing strongly on territorial marketing through the Calabria brand and on the valorisation of internal resources. The agreement prepared by the Tourism, Territorial Marketing and Mobility department provides for the development of a strategic strengthening project. And with this in mind it was decided to make use of Fincalabra, which will operate in 4 areas: integrated actions to strengthen the unitary image and regional brand of the Calabria destination in the context of participation in national and international promotional events and events, also with the aim of offering business opportunities for the local production system, especially in the tourism sector ; actions for the creation and implementation of concepts and direct promotional materials to promote the various regional tourist areas (culture, nature, traditions, etc…) within trade fairs and promotional events by combining the traditional model with further meeting mechanisms – including virtual ones – between supply and demand; coordination actions of governance and activities connected and collateral to trade fairs and strategic events aimed at strengthening regional identity tourism and production chains, enhancing points of excellence and consolidating local tourism systems; departmental support actions for the study, analysis, preparation of administrative documents, guidelines, regulations and regulatory texts relating to tourism and mobility, with technological support for the management of data, websites and integrated communication, as well as the management of coordination tables and of regional strategic shareholdings.