President Aldo Ferrara, what should Calabrian entrepreneurs expect in 2025?
«Next year also promises to be complex and challenging due to both the troubled and uncertain international context and the new European rules on public finance». Nor is the president of Unindustria Calabria convinced. «However, the Calabrian production system – adds Ferrara -, as recorded by the Bank of Italy, has grown in investments and exports, also achieving an improvement in the management balance of companies. Signs to be evaluated with caution, but which are an indication of entrepreneurial vitality and development potential. However, we are confident that 2025 can represent a year of opportunity for the national resources deriving from the tax and regional credit, also with the interventions linked to Agenda Calabria”.
Do the results claimed by the national government on the single SEZ also satisfy Unindustria Calabria?
«The results were achieved also thanks to measures and corrective measures due to the alarms promptly launched by Confindustria. I am referring, for example, to the doubling of the funds allocated to the tax credit and the new impetus given by Giosy Romano at the helm of the Mission Unit. Now, as hoped by Confindustria, the Budget Law provides for an increase in the allocation for the Zes Unica tax credit up to 2.2 billion euros. This is a measure that goes in the right direction, especially if it is accompanied by the cumulation with the incentives provided for by the Transition 5.0 plan, by the lowering of the threshold of 200 thousand euros for investments and by a longer period of time for their conclusion. We are also counting on the re-proposal of “Decontribuzione Sud”».