Press review 11-12-2024 Calabria editions


By John

In this video some of the main titles of our newspaper, Calabrian editions, edited by Salvatore De Maria. Below are the others that you can read in the newspaper on newsstands today

Committee for the Lep, there is an amnesty: the trick is in the Milleproroghe. Calabria is an interested spectator
Employment centers of Calabria, those eligible for the competition: rankings to be extended

Catanzaro, Anti-Corruption: «illegitimate extensions» on waste
Catanzaro Cathedral, restoration work assigned
In Nocera Terinese the sea is still scary. The coastline is without “defense” works
Tiktoker killed in Crotone, Chimirri’s family: the policeman attacked after he shot
Vibo Valentia emergency room, checks started: inspection by the ASP commissioner after the emergency of recent days

«Concert worth a quarter of a million euros». Cosenza’s opposition: solidarity option discarded
Cosenza, the Melfi scientist who landed at Unical and Annunziata: “I hope that many others will come back”
The risk of floods risks penalizing Rende’s PSC
Corigliano Rossano, the municipal secretary sentenced to two years
Cassano, Villa Forastefano is preparing to change its intended use

Municipality of Reggio Calabria, undersized organic plant despite the competition season
Reggio Calabria, from trial to trial but the center of Mortara remains… untestable
Psychiatry, the agreement that unlocks hospitalizations arrives in Reggio Calabria
‘Ndrangheta in Reggio, “Black Book” ruling: the management of the “common fund” and the agreements made by the “directory”
Locri, attack on the teacher: the “Zaleuco” civil party