The preliminary document of the municipal structural plan is now moving along a double track which will be at the center of the first session of the planning conference on February 22nd, in the “De Nobili” library, just convened by the mayor Nicola Fiorita.
The document will in fact be part of the Vas (Strategic Environmental Assessment) procedure, started on 3 January with the presentation of the request to the Territory and Environmental Protection Department of the Region, and, from an urban planning point of view, it will instead be examined by the competent bodies. The latter will have to release their opinions and observations within the following 45 days: the procedure involves, among others, regional departments, the Province, the Superintendency, the Basin Authority, the neighboring municipalities, Arrical, Arpacal, Sorical, the Prefecture, the Fire Brigade, Professional associations and colleges, network service companies, environmental associations, professional categories, trade unions, universities. In short, a very vast series of representatives, so as to cover every possible aspect linked to the Structural Plan and its effects on the territory.