Reggina, the Council of State is the last resort: here’s how to get there


By John

August 29 is a very clear date in the minds of Reggina fans. For weeks it has been indicated as the day on which the hearing in the Council of State is scheduled, although there are those who do not exclude an advance. An eventuality that would be hoped for because, if nothing else, it would make it possible to shorten the duration of the resistance test to which the entire amaranth environment is subjected and which has now lasted since the beginning of June. Everyone knows that there isn’t much hope, but as long as there’s a chance, the intention is to gamble with it.
It will be up to the club’s lawyers to identify the opening to reverse a situation which, at this moment, sees Reggina excluded from the Serie B championship. Everything has returned to revolve around that payment of around 750,000 euros. According to the feedback received so far, it had to be paid respecting the peremptoriness of the football deadline of 20 June. It is hoped that the Council of State, on the other hand, will give value to the fact that the amaranth club could pay by a later date, according to what is indicated by the homologous sentence of the debt restructuring plan issued by the Court of Reggio Calabria. Reggina, as will be recalled, later announced that payment had been made on 5 July.
Yesterday the terms for the appeal expired and the company produced the file. In Rome on the decisive date there will also be amaranth fans, eager to closely follow the decisive act of this difficult summer. Almost as if it were a game to be played. This was announced during the beautiful demonstration on Wednesday which turned out to be a veritable hymn to compactness. Fans, managers, club employees and players wanted to show that they are all on the same side. That of those who do not want to lower the flag and, each according to their possibilities, intend to do their utmost to push a situation that remains complex in the right direction.
You go to the Council of State with an organization chart that is almost zero, with a club placed in default by players who do not train at the sports center and with clear friction between the environment and an outgoing property (sale announced on 20 July, albeit with agreement depending on registration) of which there is no have traces at the communicative level. Least of all after the letter with which the team announced its collective action, unequivocally pointing the finger at the top. “We have been – the players wrote – completely abandoned by the property and by the presidency for months and months”.
Something, however, could change in general. In fact, it cannot be excluded that in the next few days the players will be able to return to train together. The modalities and who will lead them would obviously be discovered, remembering how on Wednesday Inzaghi said goodbye to his adventure in amaranth. A choice, that of returning to training, which would be an authentic glimmer of hope and which perhaps would stimulate even more confidence in view of the appeal to the State Council.