Now there is the signature. And the ordinance that effectively closes nine schools and tries to clarify the safe schools dispute in the city, given that for weeks school administrators and families have been wondering about their future. Mayor Giuseppe Falcomatà has ordered the immediate closure of nine municipal school buildings following seismic vulnerability checks conducted as part of the project “Pact for the development of the Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria – Beautiful and safe schools”.
An ordinance that will have repercussions on 105 classes and over 1,800 students hosted in the affected buildings. The checks involved 23 school buildings. The final report transmitted by the Major Works and Public Works Programming sector with a note dated August 26, 2024 highlighted critical issues in eight buildings. A further building, the Condera primary school, already checked in 2023, was included in the list of buildings awaiting adaptation work.
The list of school buildings
Dante Alighieri (1st Middle School), via Figurella 27, Catona;
Dante Alighieri Detachment (1st Secondary School), Via Nazionale, Catona;
Klearcos (1st Secondary School), via Baglio Giunta Archi Cep – Building 3;
Melissari (Primary School), via di Tre Mulini 23;
Galluppi (Primary), via Botteghelle 1;
Vitrioli (1st Secondary School) – School body;
Frangipane (North Building, Primary);
Pythagoras – School Body “A”;
Condera Elementary School.
The critical issues found concern not only seismic vulnerability but also structural stability problems, which makes it necessary to close the buildings immediately. The precautionary measure was adopted to protect the safety of students, school staff and all users of the buildings.