Reggio Calabria, runs away at the sight of the carabinieri. His run ends against a tree


By John

Busy night in the central streets of Reggio Calabria. The carabinieri of the Radiomobile Section of the local company have a 23-year-old young man was arrested at the end of a daring high-speed chase.

It all started during a routine check near Piazza Sant’Agostino, when a patrol noticed a car in transit and decided to stop it for an investigation. At the sight of the soldiers, however, the driver ignored the order to stop, starting a reckless escape through the streets of the city centre.

The chase, characterized by moments of strong tension, ended in a few minutes, when the young man, losing control of the vehicle, crashed into a tree. Despite the violence of the impact, the 23-year-old was unharmed and, once stopped, was subjected to an alcohol test. The test showed a blood alcohol level higher than the limits permitted by law.

The young man, already known to the police, was immediately arrested on charges of resisting a public official. Fortunately, the rapid and coordinated intervention of the Carabinieri avoided more serious consequences: despite the high speed and the danger generated along the urban roads, no person was injured, neither among those present nor among the soldiers who intervened.