Reggio, farewell to the painter Stellario Baccellieri. Falcomatà: “One of the most talented parts of the city is leaving”


By John

The painter Stellario Baccellieri has died in his native Reggio. «With him goes one of the most eclectic and talented parts of the city», writes the mayor Giuseppe Falcomatà on social media in recalling the genius of one of the protagonists of that “dolce vita” that animated the living rooms of the Roman elite.

Baccellieri’s talent developed between the city of the Strait and Rome where the artist moved in 1976.

«It’s a sad day for Reggio Calabria. Our Reggio, which will remain immortalized by the genius of one of its best sons. Today the hearts of the people of Reggio cry, like tempera slipping onto the white of a canvas. In his works Baccellieri managed to describe Reggio, the metropolitan area, its most evocative, moving and enchanting views, the uses, customs, traditions that speak of the soul and identity of a people. He will be missed by each of us who saw him on Corso Garibaldi or on Lungomare Falcomatà intent on telling stories of a life lived, breathing it deeply.”

“Baccellieri’s words – added the mayor – smacked of Dolce vita. They were the link between an imaginative future and a past full of suggestions, of days spent between the tables of the Caffè Greco in Rome discussing art, love and poetry with Giorgio De Chirico, Renato Guttuso and the artists of a now lost time. Stellario’s life was a sonnet recited in a low voice, literature that enchants, as well as the beauty and kindness of his paintings metropolitan, rallying together with those who loved a man who made Reggio and its people great, will know how to pay tribute to someone who, more than anyone else, was a great master”.