Reggio, on International Tree Day the Italo Falcomatà flowerbed is reborn in the courtyard of the IC Vitrioli – Principe di Piemonte – Galilei Pascoli


By John

“Special thanks to the students ofVitrioli comprehensive institute – Principe di Piemonte – Galilei Pascoli who just yesterday, on the occasion of International Tree Day, spent an entire morning dedicated to ecology, taking care of the flowerbed created on the occasion of the 1997 tree festival when it was planted with the then mayor Italo Falcomatà a shrub now flourishing right in the school courtyard”. This is what the mayor of Reggio Calabria states Giuseppe Falcomatà.

“Thanks to the care of the third class students – said the mayor – this green space shines again and with the support of Legambiente the color and joy of the school courtyard is restored. An example of how children can be models for adults, through positive behaviors capable of generating a positive spirit of emulation”.