The distribution of prisoners in the cells inside the Reggio prisons “San Pietro” complex in the delicate choice between Reggio, Calabria, and outside the region; is between characters attributable to the city’s ‘Ndrangheta or the districts “Piana” and “Locride” or to other criminal organizations, according to the top or secondary role personal profile. On this specific issue, the cross-examination, at times angular, of the main witness of the prosecution, the chief assistant Gianni Chiapparella (minutes of the hearing of 1 June) was initiated. The investigator answered the barrage of questions from the lawyer Giacomo Iaria, lawyer of the former director of the Reggio prisons, Dr. Maria Carmela Longo, who is the main defendant.
Lawyer Iaria: «You have already reported to the Tribunal about the distribution of prisoners at the San Pietro prison between the Cariddi section and the Scilla section. The section where only and exclusively the people of Reggio would be allocated would be the Charybdis, right?». Chiapparella: «Of a certain thickness». Iaria: «While at Scilla there were non-Reggins, therefore belonging, let’s say, to the hinterland of the Piana and Locride, is that correct?». Chiapparella: «Yes». Iaria: «Tell me how many are held in Reggio at the Cariddi». Chiapparella: «106 prisoners were present, of which 38 from Reggio Calabria, 54 from the province and 14…». Iaria: «38, therefore, Charybdis Section. Can you tell me how many there are in the Scilla Section, the one that should belong to non-Reggins?” Chiapparella: «So, 107, of which 23 from Reggio Calabria and 72 from the province».
The subject is delicate, also because among the charges supported by the Prosecutor’s Office there is also that of the assignment of the cell in the name of favoritism of the cell for family prisoners or members of the same criminal group.