«We can make a difference in Europe. Vote for people who know how to do it in Europe and know how to be there. We need to make a difference in Europe and if I have to go to the European Parliament to give strength to Italy I will gladly do it.” The leader of Italia Viva said this Matteo Renzi in Cosenza to participate in an electoral initiative of his party which, in the European consultations on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 June, gave life to a list with the aim, United States of Europe with + Europe.
«I think – added the former Prime Minister speaking to journalists – that we have reached the lowest point. The lowest point because today Calabria can only start again. You know it well, especially the citizens of Calabria, and our candidates from these places know it, starting with Filomena Grecofrom Pino Varacallifrom Nunzia Paesefrom Stefano Mascaro. Starting again from our excellence in this territory.”
«Those of Meloni, Schlein and Tajani are fake candidacies. They are running to avoid going to Europe. This is unacceptable and is the great strength of the United States of Europe because our selected candidates, however, will actually go there. Europe – added Renzi – decides on agriculture, fishing, infrastructure and healthcare. If in Calabria there are opportunities to be taken in agriculture, fishing, infrastructure, healthcare, these opportunities come from Europe, so we must send people to Europe who truly represent us.”
The accusations against the Head of State
«I think the League is a scandal. And it is for autonomy and for the positions with which we want less Europe when our companies, farmers, our healthcare need more Europe and the United States of Europe. But above all thereThe League is a scandal because accusing Sergio Mattarella means weakening the only figure of guarantee in this country. I am proud – added Renzi – to have brought Sergio Mattarella to the Presidency of the Republic nine years ago”.