Salvini's announcement: the leverage project is ready. Crosetto: not armed forces


By John

Reintroducing compulsory military service: it is impossible on the day of the Alpine army rally not to address an issue which, with the return of conflicts, divides the nations of Europe. A confrontation which, after decades of peace in the old continent, is also rekindled in Italy. With one position, that of the Northern League leader Matteo Salvini, in favor of the introduction of universal compulsory military service of 6 months for boys and girls. And that of his Government colleague, the Minister of Defence, Guido Crosettofor whom such a hypothesis could never concern the armed forces, “which cannot be thought of as a place to educate young people, something that must be done by the family and the school”.

Salvini's idea is that of a “great civic education project”, of which – he announces from Vicenza – the League has almost finished the draft to be proposed to Parliament. In short, Salvini does not talk about reintroducing the old naja, “as it was in my time, when the one from Udine was sent to Bari, and the one from Bari to Cuneo”. That of the League, he explains in front of the Alpine troops in Vicenza, “is a project on a regional basis, with people who can dedicate themselves to rescue, civil protection, first aid, the protection of forests”. Salvini has also already spoken about this. And he reiterates his position: “the armed forces serve to create professionals who defend the institutions and peace. Universal civil service is not something that concerns the armed forces”.

The debate has begun, and sees contrasting positions even in the center-right parties themselves. Self Crosetto dismisses the idea of ​​a new conscription into the armyhis colleague from Fratelli d'Italia, the Venetian councilor Elena Donazzan – a family with Alpine tradition – has no doubts: «compulsory military service for young people must be reintroduced – he says – It must be reintroduced to educate about duties and not just rights. In a scenario in which there are situations of fragility and risk for the nation, it is essential to educate our young people in service to their homeland.”

In the European context there have already been decisive changes of line on the draft: if Norway has announced that it will increase the number of enlisted soldiers, Denmark intends to extend conscription to women and increase the length of service, thein Latvia and Sweden have recently resumed military service. On a day of celebration, in front of half a million people, in a parade whose main slogan in the banners was “the Alpine troops' dream of peace”, Ana (National Alpine Association) herself came out with an official note, explaining that on the subject of military service «we hope for a return not to the old system, but to compulsory service for all young people training to serve the nation. The military one should be an option for those who want to follow a specific course.”

The president of Veneto, Luca Zaia, whose history of objection is known, instead responded thus: «Compulsory military service? I don't know in what form it will be done, we are talking about it. I am personally in favor of the experience that can be had by spending yourself on behalf of your community, as the Alpine troops teach us. I say this as a conscientious objector, I have done this by assisting the disabled and the elderly.” Among those against the return of the military is also Maurizio Lupi, of Noi Moderati: «the reintroduction of compulsory military service is not and can never be a tool for educating young people. The geopolitical situation, however, makes us reflect on a deficiency, that of a common European defense.”

Among the Alpine troops in Vicenza, the battles of the fathers and grandfathers with the hat with the black feather are remembered. President Sergio Mattarella – in the message to the organizers of the meeting – he wanted to underline above all «the meritorious work of renewing the bond between generations» and the high civic sense of «a service that the association carries out in the context of voluntary activities at within the National Civil Protection system, proof of commitment and altruism in favor of the entire community.”