San Ferdinando tent city, the mayor clarifies: “There are no tensions, nor have any critical episodes been recorded”


By John

«The statement issued by various third sector entities», which talks about “alleged tensions and the risk of a new revolt among migrant workers in the tent city of San Ferdinand“describes a situation that does not correspond to current reality and offers a distorted view of conditions in the tent city and the actions implemented by the institutions”. This is what the municipal administration of San Ferdinando specifies in a note signed by the mayor Luca Gaetano.

«Contrary to what has been reported – continues the mayor – there have been no tensions or critical episodes that could suggest a situation out of control. The municipal administration, in close synergy with the Prefecture of Reggio Calabria, the Region and the government, is constantly engaged in the implementation of concrete projects and interventions to guarantee dignity and safety to migrant workers. These efforts include: improving living conditions within the tent city, with targeted interventions on access to essential services and security; projects for the social and working inclusion of labourers, in order to remove them from the risk of exploitation; projects to enable responsible and collaborative hospitality, encouraging self-employment and promoting training and personal support activities; collaboration with local associations and bodies to ensure a coordinated and sustainable approach to socio-health issues”.

«It is essential to underline – says Gaetano – that the context in which we operate is complex and requires a collective effort, but this cannot justify the spread of news that creates alarmism and damages the work we are carrying out with seriousness and dedication. This work sees the active participation of all the branches of the State and the most authoritative intermediate bodies, such as trade unions, employers’ organizations and bilateral bodies”.

«The Administration of San Ferdinando – concludes the mayor – reiterates its commitment to guaranteeing dignified living conditions and concrete opportunities for all workers present in the area. We are certain that, through joint work, it will be possible to achieve common objectives that promote social justice and security for all.”