A Cartoon made from the ground up by students and students of some city schools was presented in Annibale Maria di Francia Theaterby the organizers of an event which, due to its uniqueness, is not only unique but has already achieved such great success that it will soon be viewable on the main social channels.
Great participation yesterday for the closing of the project “Carton School” materialize thanks to a network of schools of which it is the leader is the “La Farina-Basile” Higher Institute, directed by Prof. Caterina Celesti, composed of the “Felice Bisazza” high school, directed by prof. Giovanna Messina, and by the Comprehensive “Elio Vittorini”, led by prof. Giovanni Maisano.
Network of schools, all from Messina, winners of the CIPS Cinema and Images for School 2022 call, action C, Visioni FuoriLuogo, with the support of MIC (Ministry of Culture) and MIM (Ministry of Education and Merit) which thus made it possible for dozens of secondary school students to work together to live an extraordinary experience.
The cartoon “Scatti sul storia”, lasting approximately 10 minutes, was in fact created by students participating in the project “Animated drawing at school”, with the collaboration of the “Cartoon School” and “Terremoti di carta” . Also present at the event was the scientific director Giuseppe Ministeri.
The project “Animated drawing at school” took place last October in the premises of the Basile Art School where students from all the schools participating in the project organized by the teacher. Michela De Domenico worked side by side with industry professionals. The initiative aimed to promote knowledge of animated cinema among students and the development of professional skills relating to animated drawing and production techniques in all its phases, through training activities divided into three modules: the “Screenplay for animation”, with experts Nancy Antonazzo and Silvia Messina (Paper Earthquakes), tutor Bianca Cordovani; the “Bible of animation”, with expert prof. Michela De Domenico and tutor prof. Nino Tinuzzo; “At Cartoon School” with experts Mirko Fabbreschi and Franco Bianco (Cartoon School) and tutor Prof. Marilù Federico.
The final objective was the creation, by students, of a short animated film entitled “Shots on the past”. The story told is a dreamlike journey between past and present set in the Annunziata village, in Messina, where the winning schools of the project are located, a peripheral area at high risk of school dropout, once an agricultural area full of citrus fruit terraces, home to spinning mills, farmhouses and ceramic factories, where important figures such as Santa Eustochia lived, Laura Gonzenbach and Maria Costa and where today there is one of the largest museums in southern Italy, the MuMe. And the character of the poet Maria Costa, who comes to life coming out of one of the shelters of the Distrart project, is one of the protagonists in the short film.
The event held at the “Annibale Maria di Francia” Theater was a party coordinated by Mirko Fabbreschi, of the Cartoon School, which involved all those who worked on the project and saw the backstage footage created together with the cartoon. by Laura Salamone during processing.