The protest of the mayors of the smaller Sicilian islands over maritime connections, as they had announced in recent days, has moved to Palermo. In the regional capital the mayors demonstrated first in front of the Infrastructure Department and then in front of the headquarters of the Sicilian Regional Assembly, to raise awareness above all among the parliamentary groups of what is happening in the islands, in the total silence of the institutions, some of which are of UNESCO. «This national government is massacring transport to the smaller islands of Sicily. In the year in which – he states the mayor of Favignana, Francesco Forgione – the concept of insularity, which guarantees territorial continuity, enters the Constitution, this government makes cuts that will lead to the disaster of the Sicilian islands”.
At the protest, which ended with the meeting, first with the president of the Ars, Gaetano Galvagno and then with the Infrastructure CouncilorAlessandro Aricòthe other first citizens of the islands also took part, Riccardo Gullomayor of Lipari, Fabrizio D’Ancona (Pantelleria), Domenico Arabia (Santa Marina Salina), Filippo Mannino (Lampedusa and Linosa), Salvatore Militello (Ustica), Giacomo Montecriso (Leni) and a representative of the Municipality of Malfa, Giuseppe Siracusano, instead of the mayor Clara Rametta.