Stellantis crisis, Trasnova workers on standby: Pomigliano stopped


By John

Workers under surveillance, factories closed, new layoffs in related industries. The political pressure which reiterates the request that John Elkann go to Parliament to report on the situation of Stellantis while waiting for the meeting at Mimit called for the 17th. Today Carlo Calenda announced that it will ask the presidents of the Chamber and Senate and the majority and opposition parties to call the president of the automotive group to a hearing. The secretary of the Democratic Party Elly Schlein he remarked: «Yesterday we were in Pomigliano while 97 workers received their dismissal letter. We asked the government and Stellantis to assume their responsibilities.” Schlein also asked to proceed with the gigafactory in Termoli and that the discussion on Stellantis take place, as requested by the unions, at Palazzo Chigi and not at Mimit.

And while Trasnova workers continue their patrol in front of the Stellantis plant in Pomigliano, which will therefore remain closed on Monday as well, the Fiom of Naples has announced that the collective dismissal procedure for 101 workers out of 115 of the related company Logitech. «This week alone we have recorded 198 layoffs in the Stellantis related industries», comments the Neapolitan Fiom. A meeting in the Campania Region for Trasnova has been called for Monday. The group said it was willing to look for solutions for workers: “We have opened up to the possibility of supporting the company,” he says Daniela Poggio of Stellantis. The Minister of Business and Made in Italy, Adolfo Ursocontinues his contacts in view of the meeting at the ministry on December 17th. Today you heard from the president of Abruzzo, Marcus Marsilioon the prospects of the Atessa plant.

The president of the European Automobile Manufacturers Association, the CEO of Renault Luca De Meomeanwhile welcomed the return of Stellantis (which Tavares had taken out of the organization). The secretary of Action, Carlo Calendaspoke in a television discussion on La7 with the group’s head of human resources, Giuseppe Manca. The manager explained that Stellantis’ strategy towards electrification is confirmed, but that the group is also capable of producing hybrid cars (it will do so with the 500 in Mirafiori and the Jeep Compass in Melfi). “There are a series of commitments that you have systematically disregarded,” replied Calenda. “If you want to do something useful – he told Manca – explain to the Italians, also apologizing for the bullshit you said.” Then the Action leader added: «I will repeat the request to the presidents of the House and Senate to audit John Elkann».

«The government should move. – declared the Pd MEP Nicola Zingaretti -: we need to protect jobs and build a new idea for the automotive industry.” But for the president of the Fdi senators, Lucio Malan«Elly Schlein’s catwalks arm in arm with Fiom representatives will certainly not make us forget years of continuous support for the most irrational ‘green’ policies». The unions are in turmoil: «If on the 17th there are no guarantees and we do not have a meeting at Palazzo Chigi – he says Rocco PalombellaUilm general secretary – we will not sign agreements, on the contrary our mobilization will restart and we will be stronger and more determined”. «The table on Trasnova will be convened at Mimit on Tuesday 10 December, – he recalls Samuele Lodinational secretary of Fiom-Cgil and responsible for the mobility sector – on that occasion we will measure whether Stellantis has social responsibility, which up to now has only been declared, and the government will have to move from words to deeds”.