«The failure to renew the tax exemption for the South? It would compromise the development trajectories of the South: it would be incomprehensible and unacceptable.” He comments like this, Aldo Ferrara, president of Unindustria Calabria, the news spread in the national press according to which the Minister for European Affairs and Cohesion PoliciesRaffaele Fitto, will not renew the 3.3 billion euro package of European funds which since 2021 has allowed companies in Southern Italy to obtain a contribution exemption of up to 30% on employee costs.
«If the Ministry's intention not to renew the measure were confirmed, we would be faced with an incomprehensible and unacceptable choice – explains Ferrara -. The decontribution has so far had the important task of compensating, at least in part, the many negative externalities which in recent years have added to the already complex conditions for the economy and work in the South, in many cases allowing the maintenance of employment levels by supporting thus the competitiveness of businesses and the overall stability of the country system. A measure appreciated by businesses and workers would be cut. Not renewing the decontribution would be a mistake. And it would be even more serious if we look at the overall context of the initiatives impacting the South: with the Single Zes struggling to take off, the lack of legislative decree to restore the tax credit on investments and the insidious and inscrutable prospects of differentiated autonomy , the feeling is that this would clip the wings of the development of the South, seriously compromising its growth prospects”.