Stop the basic income, and the single allowance for dependent children? INPS explains all the news


By John

L’Inps communicates in detail what are the regulatory changes that have affected the Basic income and what also changes for the integration ofsingle check for families with dependent children.

With decree-law n. 48 of 4 May 2023, converted with amendments by law 3 July 2023, n. 85, changes the reference regulatory framework for households receiving Citizenship Income. In detail, for households that include minor children, disabled and elderly people over sixty, it is envisaged that the same households will continue to receive the Citizenship Income until 31 December 2023. Families that do not include minor children, over sixty or disabled persons, on the other hand , upon reaching the seventh month of payment of the benefit, they are gradually suspended from the benefit, except for possible taking charge in contexts of fragility. In order to evaluate the effects on households with dependent children who receive the so-called integration of the Single and universal allowance measure, as provided for by article 7, paragraph 2, of legislative decree 29 December 2021, n. 230, it is necessary to distinguish the situations.

First of all, it should be noted that the sums due by way of integration AUU on the Rdc relating to the month of July, since this amount has already accrued, will be duly paid on 27 August, using the Rdc card. In the case of households that continue to receive the Rdc until December, the AUU integration is paid on the Rdc card together with the Rdc and without interruption. For the January and February 2024 installments, for which the RDC service will have been terminated, the AUU will be paid in full using the RDC card. In general, in fact, for the months not covered by the Rdc measure, the reductions provided for by the law for the simultaneous presence of the two measures, calculated on the basis of the equivalence scale, will no longer be applied. In the case of families suspended from the use of Rdc, they also do not cease from the right to the family benefit whose continuity is guaranteed up to the age of 21, if the requisites established by law exist (e.g. students, trainees, etc.). For these households, for the months not covered by a new application, the use of AUU is fully guaranteed with credit on the Rdc card. In this case, payment will be made on the card for all the installments due up to February 2024. In the event of a new AUU application being submitted, payment will be made using the chosen methods starting from the month following that of the application. For further details and insights, please refer to the Hermes message of 7 August 2023 n. 2896, which can be consulted on the Institute’s website.