The passage of made a noise Roy Biasi from the League to Forza Italia. A political operation that has been in the air for some time and anticipated by the councilor’s previous entries Maria Fedele and the advisor Vincenzo Papalia in the blue party. The farewell of the Calabrian deputy coordinator of the Carroccio has stimulated reflections and debates on not only the local but also the regional future of the Salvinian project. «I tried for a long time to deal with the political discomfort that I felt – explained Biasi yesterday – by promptly informing the national leaders of the party, and yet in this way I did not avoid the duties that my role in the League imposed on me, using every opportunity of meeting to express my constructive thoughts regarding the organizational orientations that were evident, without unfortunately being listened to. After all, however, despite myself, it seemed like an inevitable ideal choice to leave the League. I join Forza Italia under whose flag I intend to continue my commitment to promoting liberal values and growing the centre-right coalition at every level.”
For the mayor of Taurianova it is a sort of return to the origins. «I started doing politics in the 90s in the party founded by Silvio Berlusconi – Biasi recalled – becoming a young mayor, provincial councilor and then provincial councilor of the then province of Reggio Calabria and receiving such political consideration that I was elected provincial coordinator of the Azzurri and subsequently provincial coordinator of the Casa della Libertà. I am happy to note that my return to the common home of the moderates has been greeted with satisfaction, both in public and private, by many citizens and friends, starting from the regional coordinator Francesco Cannizzaro”.